Friday, March 19, 2010

Bull Fighting OST

If you look to the right of my blog you will see that I have added a Mixpod player with most of the songs from the Bull fighting official soundtrack. I don't have all the songs because I couldn't find some of them. But The following is the list or names of the full Bullfighting OST!

Bullfighting OST

 01. 鬥牛,要不要

 02. 最近還好嗎

03. 叫

04. 愛來過

 05. 困獸

 06. 來不及

 07. 背影

 08. 放牛Party

 09. 一觸即發

10. When I Think of You

11. 極道千金

12. 最近還好嗎

 13. 對峙

14. 逗牛

15. 危機

16. 迷幻青春

 17. 挑釁

18. 戰爭之後

19. 愛的鬥牛

20. 球場下雪了

Or better yet go to :

here you can find the lyrics and the english and chinese name of the songs.